Any juvenile or underage offender arrested for drunk driving in Anaheim needs an Anaheim DUI lawyer appointed to their case immediately. If your family is in this situation, please contact our office today for an immediate consultation.
The state of California has a zero tolerance policy for underage drinking. If the offender is a minor, the case will be prosecuted in juvenile court, so there is generally little to no fear of incarceration. There are however additional penalties that both the minor and his or her parents will face.
Any minor offender arrested for DUI will have their license suspended, or he or she will be prevented from getting it if they have not already done so. They may be sentenced to probation, community service, DUI school, rehab, and fines that ultimately the parents will be responsible for paying.
Underage DUI offenders over the age of 18 are legal adults, and therefore will be treated as such in court. But our Anaheim DUI attorney will ensure that their rights are protected just as with any other offender.
And just as with other offenders, the underage offender will have 10 calendar days from the date of the arrest to request a hearing with the DMV. It is important for all offenders to understand that even if they are not convicted, merely being arrested for DUI will result in the DMV attempting to suspend their driver’ss license. The Anaheim DUI attorney can help you fight both the DMV and your criminal charges.
Every DUI offender needs a good attorney, but especially those offenders underage. The legal team here at the office of the Anaheim DUI attorney can assist any client booked on a DUI charge, involved in a DUI accident, accused of BUI, or any other DUI-related offense. In some situations a DUI case can be dismissed soon after the Anaheim DUI attorney is appointed.
If you have been arrested for DUI in the Anaheim area, you need the best attorney available. Contact us for an immediate consultation regarding your DUI case.